
7 Steps To Create A Powerful First Impression Online Interview

There are so many things that could go wrong when doing an online interview, so one has to prepare extremely well in order to prevent anything from going wrong.

1) Test run your computer

The first thing one should do is a test run on your computer. it’s a good idea to test your internet connection as well as your audio and sound capabilities to make sure everything works properly. Before logging on, ask the interviewer what the format is. Is it an audio interview or both audio and video?
Is there someone on the other end of the video or are the questions pre-recorded?
If they are pre-recorded, how many chances do I get to record my answer?
What do I do or who do I call if I start having technical difficulties?
Then, find a friend or family member you can use that platform to connect with. For platforms like Zoom and Skype, they are pretty user-friendly, but it helps to feel familiar with the interface before you get on with your employer and realize you are trying to respond and still muted.

2) Lightning

Pick the perfect spot for lightning. Make sure it isn’t too dark but also stay away from overhead lights during the interview if you can. If possible, try to settle down near a window with your face towards the light.

3) Backgrounds

Forgo virtual backgrounds. You may feel tempted to pick out a cute background on the platform, but don’t! The backgrounds are distracting and unprofessional for a first-time meeting. In fact, you want to choose the most professional area of your home for the interview—feel free to stage it just for the interview.

4) Remove distractions

Silence anything that could interfere with your conversation, including your phone and email notifications on your computer. It is rude to be interrupted during an interview unless you have an emergency situation that your potential employer is already going to be aware of.

5) Make a cheat sheet

Remember that the interviewer can’t see what’s not on camera, so use your interview space to your advantage. Stick a Post-It Note cheat sheet with notes, questions, or needed inspiration directly to the screen or to the wall behind your camera. The interviewer on the other side won’t ever know.

6) Keep your eyes forward

This takes some practice and feels unnatural, but during your interview, you should look at the camera as much as possible, not the picture of the other person on the screen. Looking at the camera is as close as you can get to making eye contact with the interviewer while looking at the screen will appear to the other side like you’re starting off into space.

7) Dress the part

Dressing professionally is one of the key points, remember, first impressions matter the most and we don’t want us looking ragged on the first day.

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