The popular comedian, Samuel Animashaun Perry, professionally known as Broda Shaggi, has reacted after a female Jamaica Tiktoker identified as Zamealiaa revealed that she is not a kid after she was called a kid on Tiktok due to her height.
On a video posted by Lindaikejiblogofficial, Zamealiaa said hi, guys, I’m making this video because I have been getting a lot of comments,I guess it’s a bit confusing whether I’m a child or I’m an Adult, I mean some people in the comment section can tell the difference, but the ones that cannot, I’m actually an adult,I’m 22-years-old.
Zamealiaa disclosed that it’s surprising to people,but the truth is she has dwarfism,so that is basically why she is short. She has revealed she is no body’s kid, and people shouldn’t look at her as if she is a child in Tiktok because she knows what she is doing.
After Broda Shaggi saw Zamealiaa’s video, he gushed over her and said “aww, so cute”