
BBTitans: Don’t Touch Me, I’m Reserving My Body For My Girlfriend – Marvin Says [VIDEO]

Marvin and Blue Aiva were seen conversing and Blue Aiva tried touching Marvin’s body and he wasn’t comfortable with it so he told her not to touch him probably because his girlfriend is watching him and she won’t be happy with him.

Blue Aiva was wowed with his response so she was inquisitive to know if he has a girlfriend and Marvin told her that he has a girlfriend and he made it known to Blue Aiva that she doesn’t expect him to be single. Marvin went further to tell Blue Aiva that he has a girlfriend and he’s not single.

Marvin made it known to Blue Aiva that the reason why she should not touch him again is because his girlfriend will get jealous and hurt if he tries anything with any female housemate because she’s probably at home missing him. Kindly share your reactions below.

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