
Nigeria Takes Steps to Exceed Kenya in Cargo

The Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) in Lagos hosted the meeting of the Aviacargo Committee, which revealed that Nigeria was trying to overtake Kenya as the continent’s top cargo producer in the last three years.

Nigeria, which is ranked fifth, aspires to reach the goal by utilizing its population, the quantity of airports, and its business activity.

As a result of the Chinet Aviation Cargo Conference, Capt. Rabiu Yadudu, Managing Director of FAAN, established the Aviation Cargo Roadmap Development Committee in December 2022.The mission of examining the barriers and difficulties associated with exporting cargo fell to the committee under the direction of conference organizer Mr. Ikechi Uko.Stakeholders have expressed worry that while 10 freighter jets arrive in the nation each day carrying imported goods, they depart empty.

However, the committee has been given the duty of reversing the trend, with a goal of surpassing Kenya, which presently has the highest cargo volume in Africa, and Nigeria, which is ranked fifth, with 100,000 tons, by 2027.Three subcommittees—export, cargo, and airport—were inaugurated yesterday with a 45-day delivery deadline.

The committee recently presented the project plan and interim report to FAAN MD.Kenya doesn’t have as many people as Nigeria, according to Uko. The biggest economy is ours. There is no need, with the amount of airports we have and the 15 cargo airports,there is no reason for us not to be number one in Africa.”

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