Terseer Waya, popularly known as Kiddwaya, Big Brother Naija star, has replied fans who often compare him to singers, Burna Boy and Wizkid, with regards to which of them is the richest. Kiddwaya, who went on Instagram live bragged that he has more money than both, so his name should not be mentioned in the same category with them. The former BBNaija 2020 housemate said people who opine that the riches he spends lavishly is from his billionaire father, Terry Waya, are wrong.
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Kiddwaya said the money he enjoys is all his and not that of his dad. He further explained that he just decides to live lowkey and not show off his wealth even though his ‘money is longer’ than that of Big Wiz and Burna. The brand ambassador asked fans to leave him to live the way he likes, instead of expecting him to be a certain type of way.