26th February 2018
A career vs job which one do you have? Although these terms are often used interchangeably to mean being employed but looking deeply at them they are two diverse concepts. An ability to understand what the distinct differences between a career vs job could make a whole lot of difference and positively affect your professional life.
What is a Career vs Job
A job is a task or piece of work, especially one that is paid while a career is an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life and with opportunities for progress.
A job and career both involve getting paid but a career is more focused on a lifelong activity than a job which is usually immediate and more short term.
Key Differences Between Job vs Career
Professional Growth
A job compared to career presents less professional growth opportunity and recognition for you especially thinking about both concepts long term. Specialised training and other self-development skills training are aimed at contributing to your lifelong pursuit in the chosen career field.
A career presents you with more opportunities for professional growth as well as a chance to become a thought leader and specialist in your field. A job, on the other hand, presents you with an opportunity to earn your next pay and very low or non-existent career progression opportunities.
A Journey
A job is not a lifelong journey but an immediate hustle with the sole end goal of the pay while a career is a journey. A career journey as defined by Oxford dictionary is a long and often difficult process of personal change and development.
Less Fulfilment
A job guarantees less professional fulfilment while a career will ensure you are more fulfilled in terms of career goals and personal achievements. Professional recognition, achievements, awards and rewards are more likeable to be awarded to you for a career than for a job.
People with a career usually come into work on Mondays happier than those on a job. This is simply because of a career routines feel less boring to them and it’s a launchpad to their future goals.
Do You Have a Career or a Job?
Neither a career or job is more important, the one you choose will be based on your needs, age, qualification and more. It’s important to note sometimes you can take on several jobs to stay afloat financially, find your feet, passion before you commit to building a career.
It is also important to understand that if you are at the start of your career, try not to get stuck doing a job for purely monetary gains. Building a career is a lot of work and takes commitment but it’s is more rewarding financially and on the long run, helps you develop your leadership skills, positions you more as an industry leader than a job.
In conclusion, take an audit of your professional life and decide which path you’re on if it suits you or not and most importantly make required changes if needed.