Gunmen kill 28 Persons in Fresh Kaduna Community attack

Suspected gunmen on Saturday night attacked and killed about 28 persons in Runji village in Atyap Chiefdom, Zangon Kataf local government area of Kaduna State.

On Saturday night, suspected gunmen assaulted and murdered over 28 people in Runji village in Kaduna State’s Atyap Chiefdom’s Zangon Kataf local government area.

The Gunmen also burned down an unknown number of homes while injuring numerous more.

Recent major attacks on the Atyap Chiefdom by the Fulani militia have resulted in the deaths of people and the looting of assets in places including Unguwan Wakili, Langson, Atakjeh, and Saturday night Runji.

According to a sources in the community, the number of those slain has not yet been determined because so many individuals are still missing.

“The attackers separated themselves into three groups and attacked the village, killing randomly and destroying houses at will, resulting in the death of many and injuring others while the assailants set fire to half of the village’s houses.”

The incident in Runji village, Zangon Kataf LGA, which claimed multiple lives on Saturday night, was reported to the Kaduna State administration by the military, according to that government.

In a statement, Samuel Aruwan, the state’s commissioner for internal security and home affairs, stated: “The preliminary report further informed the government that the attack also left some residents injured and an unspecified number of houses burnt down in the community.

“As stated in the report, troops engaged the attackers in a fierce struggle and are still in the general area.”

The governor, Nasir El-Rufai, who received the preliminary report in the early hours of Sunday, has denounced the killings as unacceptable and unjustifiable.

The governor expressed his condolences to the families who had lost loved ones and asked God to grant the departed’s souls rest. He hoped for the injured to get well quickly as well.

As soon as comprehensive findings from the security services are obtained, according to the statement, the Kaduna State Government would inform the public about the occurrence.0

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