NBC Fines Channels Television N5 million

The National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) has fined Channels Television N5 million for interview with Datti Baba-Ahmed,a vice presidential candidate for the Labour Party.

The NBC said that the television station had broken the broadcasting rules in a letter dated March 27 and addressed to Channels Chief Executive Officer that was received on Friday in Abuja

Balarabe Ilelah, the director-general of the commission, signed the letter, which was titled “Broadcast of an Inciting Interview, A Sanction.

“It stated, in part: “The NBC monitored the broadcast of a live interview of Dr. Datti Baba-Ahmed, the vice presidential candidate for the Labour Party, by Seun Okibaloye, the host of Politics Today, on March 22.In the letter, Mr. Ilelah stated that “Dr. Baba-Ahmed indicated it will be unconstitutional to swear in an elected president on May 29, 2023, because of election irregularities.”

He pointed out that the broadcast broke some rules of the broadcasting code since it was explosive and had the potential to cause a riot.

He claims that this includes the clause that states that no broadcast may provoke, encourage, or make references to any living or deceased persons or organizations that are derogatory or otherwise disrespectful to human dignity.

According to the broadcasting rules, broadcasters must make sure that no show contains material that could be construed as undermining established authority, Mr. Ilelah continued.

He noted that the NBC had frequently hired Channels Television to take the public’s interest into account prior to the broadcast of any show.

He claimed that doing this would prevent the nation from devolving into anarchy.

“Channels Television is hereby sanctioned and shall pay a penalty of N5,000,000 (five million naira) just in the first instance for the following violations”, he said.

He further stated that the television channel would face harsher penalties for any future violations.The NBC Director-General stated, “You are recommended to pay within two weeks from the day of receipt of this letter or the penalty will be graduated.”

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It is really bad for government to be wrong, this will cause problem for the citizens
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