‘Nigeria’s judicial and electoral systems collapsing’ – Kingsley Moghalu

Kingsley Moghalu, former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, has expressed concern about the deteriorating state of Nigeria’s judicial and electoral systems.

In a recent statement on his social media platform, he cautioned that this development poses a serious threat to the country’s democratic aspirations.

Moghalu’s comments come in the midst of a controversy surrounding the Appeal Court’s decision to nullify the election of Governor Abba Yusuf of Kano State, despite a certified true copy of the judgement affirming Yusuf as the duly elected governor.

The Appeal Court set aside the ruling of the Kano election petition tribunal, citing a lack of merit in their decision.

He warned that those who benefit from these systemic failings may be blinded by their advantages, but history suggests that the long-term outlook is concerning.

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