PDP heads to Supreme Court to contest Cross River governorship

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Cross River has announced its intention to challenge the recent Appeal Court ruling that upheld Governor Bassey Otu as the winner of the March 18 governorship election in the state.

In a statement by the party’s state publicity secretary, Mr. Mike Ojisi, they expressed disappointment with the court’s decision but emphasized their commitment to pursuing further legal options, including the Supreme Court, to contest the outcome.

Acknowledging the setback, Ojisi urged PDP supporters to remain calm and assured them of the party’s resolve to exhaust all legal avenues in reclaiming their mandate.

Meanwhile, Governor Otu, who had called for an end to further litigation, expressed confidence in the validity of his electoral victory and called for unity among the people of the state, regardless of political affiliations, to work together for the state’s progress. He extended an invitation to the opposition, particularly Prof. Sandy Onor, to join hands in moving the state forward.

Governor Otu emphasized his commitment to prioritize the welfare of the people and affirmed his administration’s readiness to deliver on its ‘People First’ mandate.

He called for the support and patience of the state’s citizens as his administration navigated challenges toward realizing his vision for Cross River.

He also reassured the public of ongoing efforts to ensure effective governance, including preparations for the Calabar festival and addressing various socio-economic and developmental issues.

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