They fired 17 bullets to demobilise me: Kidnap victim narrates near-death experience

June 29, 2022, will forever remain indelible in the memory of 56- year- old  Kenneth Odoemena , a business man in Imo State , following his near death experience in the hands of  kidnappers.

That fateful Wednesday, he left mechanic village in Okikwe, where he had taken his car for repairs, heading back to his home town in  Umuna. Time.was 5.30pm.

He   drove  on the Okigwe-Owerri road  in the company of a relative he met at the mechanic workshop. On approaching  Amuro town,  close to the Imo River bridge, a strange sound that signaled danger ahead was heard. But they ignored  it and kept  driving on the rough terrain .

Then, all of a sudden, they ran into some armed men operating on the road. By the time it dawned on them that they were not just robbers but kidnappers, it was too late for Odoemena to make a U-turn.

Though he put up some bravery by attempting to escape, that attempt was greeted by volleys of bullets from the armed kidnappers which riddled his vehicle..

The abduction

Explaining how he found himself in the kidnappers den, Odoemena said, ” a  Catholic priest narrowly escaped the kidnappers before our arrival. We met a commercial bus which they demobilized and used to   block  the road . Someone was killed in that Toyota Hiace bus.

“My attempt to maneuver through a tight space attracted  some gunshots .

They were  five, all dressed in black trousers, black T-shirts , black jackets and black caps.. All of them were shooting. Bullets ripped through my car into the seats. Fortunately, not one of them  touched both of us. We were forced to stop the car and they dragged us out .

“Just then, another commercial bus belonging to Peace Mass Transit drove into the operation.  The  criminals shattered its glasses with their gun butts and machetes. It was a fully loaded bus but they picked only   three passengers from it:  two men and one lady and  ordered the driver  to leave with the bus immediately. Thereafter,  the three passengers ,  my relative  and I were  marched  into the thick forest beside the Imo River”.

Shoot – out with soldiers

Coincidentally,  a contingent   of soldiers heading towards  Owerri for the Army Day celebration swooped on the operation,  as the  victims were being led into the bush.

The soldiers were said to have opened fire in the direction they went , in a bid to  rescue the victims. The shooting according to him , lasted close to 30 minutes but the kidnappers did not yield.

Rather, he said, “ the soldiers stopped shooting   apparently because of the vulnerability of the  hostages. The soldiers  took my vehicle to Owerri.

“ While in the bush,  the kidnappers ordered us  to lie down amidst the heavy rain. Their commander came to  where we were with two rifles in his hand and boasted  that  he had killed one  of the soldiers. He also warned  that if anyone attempted to rescue us,  they would shoot all of us  and  escape.

“We remained in that position until 1am. They marched us back to the road where we were kidnapped, we trekked backwards towards Okigwe. In  their attempt not to take us through  Amuro town, we  veered  into a very deep swamp . On reaching a spot, we noticed flashes of torch light from  the top of some palm  trees .  Those light flashes were obviously from private  security men. We had to return back to the road the way we entered the swamp and proceeded   towards Amuro.

“Their commander continued to warn that anyone who attempted to escape would be shot. Once in a while, when they sighted a vehicle approaching,  they would force us to take cover  .

“When we got to  Amuro,  we saw a pickup van with its lights off. The kidnappers were so afraid that they  opened fire on it.

“About a kilometer after Amuro, we diverted right, into a road leading to  Arondizuogu. We passed through people’s compounds  but none questioned who we were.

“We trekked for about 20 kilometers. At a certain place we saw some members of a vigilante group  In front of a building that looked like a mini factory. We had to pass behind an uncompleted storey building to avoid being noticed by them

 ”We trekked for  several hours until we got to the middle of nowhere, deep into the jungle. Everyone, including the kidnappers   was exhausted by then.  Their leader ordered that we rested a little. There was a tree beside where we stopped.  One of them went behind the tree to bring out a bunch of firewood , an indication that they used that route regularly.

The torture

“ We got up, moved about two  hours and arrived  at  the center of a very dense rain forest, where they started interogating us.

  We were subjected to both physical and psychological torture. They beat us with large clubs, gun butts,  machetes.

“ When it got to my turn to be interrogated , they said I was  a member of the Eastern Security Network(ESN) because of an identity card of the Police Community Relations Committee they found on me. They said ECN members killed their cows and their people. They told me that if they released others, they  would surely kill me. I was the most tortured.

They said the ransom for my release was N50 million , that anything less would lead to my death. They used my phone to contact   my younger sister in Abuja for the ransom but she said she only had one million, fifty thousand naira in her account and they told her to use it to prepare for my burial . One of them said ‘God punish you and your family with that one million and fifty thousand. You know, say elections don reach. Only your brother blocos ( private part)go fetch us five million. Don’t call this number again”.

“When they called the relative of the only lady among us, the relative said  ‘which king of stupid hungry kidnappers are they?’, unaware that the phone was on speaker. They cut  the call and descended on the innocent girl. They beat her so much that I had to beg them to stop   because she is the same age with my daughter. In anger, they left her and descended on me for interfering. 

“At one point, their leader threathened to  kill one  of us,  to show how serious they were with the ransom, as they accused our relatives of being unserious.  They dragged one of us towards a fallen tree where two decomposed bodies were  covered with some  sand and leaves

 The leader ordered that the man dragged there should be killed with a dagger so as not to waste their bullet. In fear, the victim  put a call to his relative. Begging in tears , he said “uncle, they are about to kill me o! Na die I dey sooo!!!”  His uncle begged the kidnappers to exercise patience that he was still sourcing funds”.

Interaction with kidnapper

When Odoemena had the opportunity to interact with leader of the gang, he said he asked him who killed the  men they saw earlier . The leader told him the bodies were victims who   died out of  fear and heart failure.

He said, “ I also asked him if they would like the Federal Government to grant them amnesty. He told me he was not a Niger Delta militant and that  he was not a Nigerian. He said all he needed was  money.

“ We were fed with cassava flour  and bitter leaf. We drank muddy water .

The second night ,  their leader said he would not allow me to go further with  them . He said he would waste me , that I posed a threat  to them. He said I looked like someone who has had military training . This was because of the PCRC identity card. But my relation knelt down and pleaded with him to spare my life”.

He said they kept moving further into the Forrest until they got to the Enugu -Porthercort expressway, where they ran into some youths who were  vandalizing electrical installations.  The vandals, according to him,  scampered into the bush in fear as the kidnappers attempted to fire some shots. 


They proceeded from there to where Odoemena recognised as  Abia State University in  Ope Okigwe.

Leader of the gang was said to have directed relatives of the captives to take  their ransom to Odoemana relative’s place in Okigwe , from where  they would put them all in a bag that would be taken  to designated point on Okigwe expressway.

The leader also directed that the ransom must be accompanied with packets of cigarettes, some bitters and a pack of water, with a stern warning that they must not use cash out of the ransom to purchase the items..

Freedom at last

The victims were eventually released after spending  three days in the den.

The kidnappers, according to Odoemena, “ escorted us through some cow rearing routes to a road that led directly into Ope Okigwe , from where we trekked into town. We were like pigs and some inhabitants thought we were Nollywood actors , until one of us  who was limping  , as a result of the injury he sustained said we had just been released by our abductors .“The people there brought water for us to drink, while   women roasting corn offered us some to eat . Some  commercial motorcyclists also  offered to take us  free , to  Okigwe Catholic cathedral and Okigwe police station, from where our relatives came to pick them”.

Security summit

Odoemena was taken to the hospital for treatment from where he addressed a security summit organized by the traditional ruler of his community and other security stakeholders.

He said, “ I was personally invited to address the house and I  told  them what to do to forestall more kidnaps around us. I lamented that strangers should not be allowed to come into the geographical entity we call ancestral homes to  kidnap us. I suggested  that all thick forests around us must be brought down because the kidnappers told  me that forests are a viable tool for their nefarious activities. I also made it clear that our local vigilantes can not face kidnappers who have brand new AK 47 rifles with Dane guns”.


However, since the incident, Odoemena has been undergoing a post traumatic stress disorder. He said he usually feels the presence of gunmen around him and also  finds it difficult to sleep at night.

In total submission to fate, he said “I don’t know if I will ever get over that. My blood pressure soared and I was diagnosed with hookworm and salmonella”.

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