Thirty Year Old Man Jailed For Stealing Bibles and Caprisonne

Zakaraya Usman, a 30-year-old painter, was given a two-month prison term for stealing bibles by a Grade I Area Court in Kabusa, Abuja.

Usman was accused of robbing 124 church membership forms, four Bibles, four bottles of water, and Caprisonne beverages.

O. S. Osho, the prosecutor’s attorney, informed the court that David Usman, the chief security officer of the Living Faith Church’s Durumi I branch, had reported the incident to the Durumi Police Station.

Usman is alleged to have broken into the church and stolen three little bibles, one large bible, two water bottles, 14 Caprisonne drinks, 18 testimonial certificates, 124 church membership forms, security coats, two shirts, two handkerchiefs, bags, and some cash.

“And all the items were recovered from him during the police investigation,” he added.Usman admitted to the accusation.

In his decision, Judge Abubakar Sadiq sentenced the offender to two months in prison and a N10,000 option fee.

And informed him that if he committed a similar offense again, the court would not be forgiving.

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1y ago
Wahala be like bicycle, the church for forgive him and forget, the Judgement is fair from the Judge
1y ago
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